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Don Miller
Welcome to the Moose Page. Around Park City where I live there are frequent encounters with Moose. Most of the time everyone minds their own business and no one gets hurt.

Bull Moose-203
Bull moose taking a drink in a small pond

Bull Moose-201
Bull Moose cooling off in a small pond

Bull Moose-204
Bull Moose cooling off in a small pond

Bull Moose-202
Bull moose taking a drink in a small pond

Momma Moose and Baby-210
Mother moose relaxing in the shade with her newborn calf

Bull Moose-200
Bull moose taking a drink in a small pond

Bull Moose-211
Bull moose snacking on some shrubs

Peek-A-Boo Moose
Nuf said

Munching Moose
Close-up of a Bull Moose snacking some Aspen leaves
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